Mr. and Mrs.

Mr. and Mrs.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Look Ma! I made gravy!

So I don't think that me and this whole blogging world are working out quite right, because I can never remember to blog between school, homework, family, friends, and the 500 weddings, baby showers, and wedding showers we're invited to. Does this constant go, go, going ever end?

I feel like I just turned 21 yesterday, but in fact I turn 24 in a few months... What happened to the last few years? I had a plan at one point to have babiesby 24, I don't exactly have that desire right now, but I feel like time is passing me by faster than I can look up the date!

Cody started his new job, he likes it. I like it. However, I feel like we say, hello. goodbye. And thats the extent of our conversation on most days. I'm not a fan. I'm a talker. I'm good at it. I don't feel like being a newlywed should feel like this. Maybe in time we will get used to our new schedule and I will feel better about it.

School is going to kick my ass this semester... so many papers. I feel so done with school already and the semester has just started!

On a lighter note. I attempted to make a semi-difficult dinner last night. Maybe not difficult to well seasoned moms difficult, but I'd say for someone whos only good at making spaghetti, it was pretty dang tough! So we made Chicken fried steak, creamed potatoes (or mashed, whats the difference really), and green beans!
I'm no Paula Deen, but it was pretty fantastic if I do say so myself. Got off to a pretty scary start (I burned the shit outta the first one =-/...) but the second and third steak were a nice golden brown! Yum! ... Oh and did I mention my first successful attempt at gravy! I've always been afraid of gravy, never even wanted to help my mom... its like a science! So I basically got my handy dandy Pioneer Woman cookbook, and followed her every instruction! Thanks pioneer woman! So this is what it looked like...
Not amazing by any means, but I am tooting my own horn on this one! It was edible, which meant the world to me! Well thats all I got for now ladies and gents!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

So much to do... So little time...


School is back in session... yippee skipee... if only I was excited. Except for there is light at the end of the tunnel now. However my tunnel should have been ending this December... Thanks UNT counselor... At least I will be done by May and on my way into the Corporate world... hopefully at least.

Cody has started a new J-O-B at Peterbilt! I think he is pretty excited, except when I asks he just says "It's alright" but if one of his friends calls in the am (our only time to chat over breakfast) he will spill his last days work play by play for them! I haven’t decided if I will like or dislike his new schedule, but I think ultimately it will be good for us!

I've started being really artsy fartsy and painting anything and everything someone asks me too. I really like it, but I love seeing the finished project. I am really bad at patience, and find myself trying to hurry and get it done so I can see the final outcome... then I  hurry too much and have to sand off all my work and start over... it’s a bitch of a process.... it obviously angers me thinking about it.

Cody Dean and I just ordered new furniture for our living room since we just put in new floors. My mom and dad came over for a week straight and helped Cody cut and place every turn, straight, and corner, and saw piece after piece of board. They did an amazing job, it looks so good! Pictures of the final product to come soon!

Oh one last thing... I somehow got suckered into starting to work at the Grotto again on Friday nights... so If you peeps need a brewski, you should stop on by... I need to start bringing in some dough, cheddar, cheese, dinero, moola, etc. When I go into any store they should put orange cones around me, because it is dangerous. For some reason if something is on sale, I feel like I need it! And If it’s a really good deal, I feel like I just got away with something scandalous... it’s like a drug for me.. Weird... yes.... crazy? a little.... but I love it! So come visit me at work! =)

Until Next Time...

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

It's August? You Sure?

Wow! This summer has flown by! I feel like I just finished last semester, and here I am almost done with the second part of summer school! Im finally getting my last two foreign language credits out of the way! Por Dios! (For Heaven's Sake... thanks clase de espanol!) It really bugs me that in spanish there is not really uppercase letters for anything except beginning sentences, but they also capitolize the use of the word God, which makes me happy, which cancels out me getting mad about the other!

So right now we are in the middle of getting new floors put in, which I am super pumped about...
The downside is we sold all of our living room furniture without getting new yet, so im thinking we are going to have to invest in some bean bags for a little bit! Hopefully we find some furniture we can both agree on soon! Or else it camp city in the living room for a while! The floors are looking really nice, I'm loving the way it makes the room look already!

I've been on Pinterest a lot lately... it has taken over my body, and gives me way too many ideas. So much it can't be healthy. So I've been on a project rampage! I love projects... Cody Dean does not love my projects. Well guess what buddy?... you married me! you are stuck with me and all my hot glue, paint, glitter, scissors, ribbon, and whatever else I can get my glue sticky hands on! I just finished this cute sign I made for an anniversary party... its western themed...

What do you think peeps?? Well I guess I should go help with the floor, I hear my dad and Cody saying odd things in there... I will try to get better at updating, so much is going on!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Short and Sweet...

So... As my last posts states I eat, breathe, and sleep baby names... well maybe not just baby names but I like names in general. I understand that this is an odd thing to be obsessed with, and I have come to terms with that, this coming from the girl who is fascinated with homeless people (it just baffles me... homeless people, not names... maybe... both).

Anyway... I frequent a baby name site, not weird at all....and all these women think that spelling a name in some crazy form or fashion makes it unique (or should I say youneek?)! It drives me CRAZY, and then there are women, whom I am convinced that they just slap letters together to make some jumble of craziness, and name their child that. For example... "Well let’s see, I like butter so there’s a B, and my name is Alice, so theres an A and my maiden name is Smith, so let’s name our child Basmith", I'm not kidding... they do this. And then there are the McKenzies.... I think it’s possible that there are 214 ways to spell McKenzie. I'm not exactly sure of the correct spelling, however I'm almost positive that MacKennzee, is pronounced the same exact way as McKenzie.

Am I the only one who thinks that just spelling a name all kinds of cray cray for the sake of it being "different" is just strange, and maybe a little mean to children? I mean ultimately you are pronouncing it the same way, so why make it harder to learn to spell in Kindergarten? Oh... and I do realize that obsessing over baby names without being pregnant, or even planning to be pregnant soon, is a little cray cray, but that is beside the point! I'm not a planner but you can bet your hiney that my child will have a nice, well thought out, "normal" name!

I have a few names saved in my mind (who are we kidding, I have them written down in my baby name notebook) that I hope don;t drive people crazy when I have babies... or make them think I was on crack while thinking of names! Well... there is my short rant for the day!

Until Next Time... and Ashley, this post is a bonus; I have another saved up for tomorrow!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Random thoughts...

  1. God could not have chosen a more perfect man to put in my life.
  2. I think of baby names everyday! I have a whole list of names on my Notepad, hidden on my phone. I literally add a new one atleast twice a week!
  3. I hate Kraft singles cheese, but thats all I will eat on a grilled cheese.
  4. I will NOT eat chicken off the bone. Or Turkey. Or Beef. Or Pork. Nothing. Off. The. Bone. However, if it is picked off the bone without my knowledge I will.
  5. I absolutely hate text that say "K". This is a waste of my time, and makes me overwhelmingly crazy!
  6. I once loved Chicken Express Sweet Tea with a passion. I now hate it with a passion.
  7. Sitting in one place for too long gives me major anxiety.
  8. I have the strangest infatuation with homeless people. I can't even begin to explain. It is what it is.
  9. My dad always told me you would be able to count on one hand who your true friends are and who you can trust over a lifetime... so far thats true.
  10. I have read all of the Twilights and Harry Potters AND  I will see the last movies this year. Dont. Judge.
  11. Shoes can fix any problem. Atleast for an hour. Maybe two.
  12. I drink beer. Not vodka. Not Rum. Not Tequila... Just Beer Please!
  13. Sometimes a whole day in bed is just what the doctor ordered.
  14. Sneezing is my least favorite activity in the whole world.
  15. Weinie dogs should be the only breed of dog ever aloud on Earth. Ever.
  16. Sometimes I could strangle Cody Dean! Sometimes I could his face until my lips fell off!
  17. I'm the most forgiving person I know. Sometimes I think it blinds people's true character.
  18. I'm hard headed and stubborn, I'm always right, and if I'm not I won't admit I was wrong, only that you were stupid and were'nt thinking on the same level as me... This way of thinking last for a whole day before I realize what an ass I am sometimes!
  19. Sometimes I feel like I am never going to graduate, then Cody Dean reminds me that I BETTER!
  20. I always call Cody, Cody Dean. Atleast eighty percent of the time.
  21. I am the hardest on the people that I love. I wish I wasn't.
  22. I am really weird and random, and think of the most outlandish ideas. I like to think of it as innovative and special!
  23. I overplan and overbook myself every week. I forget things a lot, and have terrible time management skills. I still think I'm pretty cool!
  24. I'd say atleast five times a week I tell Cody that I know I told him something because I really believe I did but honestly it is possible that I just said it to myself in my head. I only said POSSIBLE!
  25. Warm, clean sheets or towels are God's gift to man. They are my favorite.
  26. I sing so loud in my car, even though I know it sounds terrible, it makes a good day, great!
  27. I can never have a better friend than my mom. The. End.
  28. I worry about dying and getting old a lot.
  29. One of my biggest fears is being unable to get pregnant.
  30. Every song I hear reminds me of someone. Good or Bad. Some take me to great places and some take me somewhere dark.
  31. Generally speaking, I am the loudest person in the room at any given moment.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Is June over already?

Oh Spanish... Why do I loathe thee? I should be doing Spanish homework. No. Thank. You.

I am such a procrastinator about EVERYTHING! Why is that? I have been working on this Tech stool for literally weeks and am still not done... I think I am so ADD that I just get bored so easily and have to move on to the next thing. There are so many great/creative ideas and thoughts going on in this little head of mine that I feel like if I dont pick up and leave my current project to start the next I will forget about it, and then it will never get started. What is worse is that I have 54,865 started projects and finish like 50% of them!

Thank you cards from one of my showers and wedding, are sitting on my desk in front of me... ALL written and complete, just not addressed or stamped... this is one example... This very blog is an example of me starting something without finishing something else. This idea came to me when I was supposed to be cleaning the bedroom... guess what? The bedroom never got finished.

Lately I have just been keeping myself busy to not feel alone. Cody has been at work literally everyday all day. Its exhausting... I didn't picture marriage this way. But... Tonight we watched one of "our shows" together thats been on DVR for 2 weeks now, and we went to have dinner together... We tried to go to Olive Garden but it was a 35 minute wait at 6:00 for 2 people... even the bar was full.... who sits at a bar to eat? So we opted for a more healthy choice... but not without leaving with this little gem of a purchase...

Oh Yea! So after we purchased the most delicious salad dressing in the world we went to Jason's Deli, where I asked Cody if I could take it in and use it and he replied "Absolutely not!"... I had ranch instead. He doesn't get my humor entirely... and alwasy ask why I am so loud?

While we were there, there was a pregnant woman about to pop! I asked Cody what he was going to do when I was that pregnant one day... here's our convo...

Me: Will you think my pregnant belly is cool?
Cody: I dunno?
Me: Well I will think it is so cool.
Cody: Stop staring at her belly! Yea your belly might be cool.
Me: Im not staring Im just looking at it!
Cody: Thats staring!
Me: Look at her poor back, its curved because her belly is so big... are you going to talk to my belly!?
Cody: Emily, I dont know just please quit staring, why do you always stare?
Me: (Completely ignoring him) Well I will definitely talk to the belly!

I don't know how he puts up with me! I am so happy we got to spend tonight together, even if it is just The Challenge and Jason's Deli! I wouldnt take it any other way! It gets hard him never being home and then wanting to go to bed right when he gets home, but I love him none the less! He is the greatest man I know... besides my daddy!

Well... Until Next Time!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Growing up is for the Birds.... but I kinda LIKE it!

Well... For starters yesterday I babysat 4 little girls for 8 hours... you're probably thinking who would leave their children with Emily? But I am here to toot my own horn and say it went pretty damn well!

Thursday evening when I remembered I committed to these shenanigans I was thinking oh crap why did I do this? I hate waking up early!! But I slipped on my big girl panties and kept my word!

Upon arriving it was quiet in the house and I was thinking "Am I about to be ambushed?" but turns out, all were still sleeping beauties. About ten minutes later the first ferrell child arrived out of her bedroom wiping the sleep from her eyes. She is so tan and has the blondest hair and it just looks like she runs around naked all day to be that tan... and trust me... she does. Shortly after... the other three were awake and raring to go....

I should have gotten a coffee.

So we went outside and "we" played on the swing set... Do people under the age of 10 not realize were in Texas and its flippin' HOT!? So in a bind (My bind being I'm hot... like thats a real bind...) I decided hey.. you know whats a great idea? Taking four babies under the age of seven to Wal- Mart... but it happened.

After my gut turning with worry maneuvering through the parking lot with four little girls we FINALLY made it inside. We (Or I) decided that sidewalk chalk would be our purchase... who knew their were 15 different varieties of sidewalk chalk to bamboozle me and four babies? So we (They) sat in the Crayola aisle arguing about chalk for a good five minutes... the littlest (two years old, also the "ferrell" child) likes to just mimic the others, just for the sake of being included in an argument. So I make and executive decision and get "washable" chalk... 16 colors... isn't all chalk washable... if not Crayola was really sold on the idea of advertising the ability of this chalks washiness...

We finally get up the register while the oldest is still questioning my ability to say no to 3D... I assure her it's not really 3D... the glasses werent even blue and red.... she didn't believe me... I wouldn't believe me either! So then low and behold is a whole  rack of candy... they were fifty cents to a dollar so after a good two seconds of them hounding me about candy I give in, I knew that was a battle I would never win! So of course for my lack of back bone I'm almost sure God told them to get the gooiest stickiest candy ever known to man... and they did.

When we got back in the bus... I mean expedition... The baby of the group informed me that my new husband was her new boyfriend and she wanted to see him... So we headed over to Mark Dean's and I picked up four lemonades (put it on my tab..) Cody was busy with paying delivery guys so we didn't end up seeing him, but the lemonade and candy had her occupied so we were good!

Finally we head back home, and we made lunch, played with chalk, ate lunch, watched Tangled, and then I took them swimming at my mom's. I'm happy to report there were no drownings, no fights, only a few bossy comments to one another, and they had a great time!

I realize that after wiping snot, finding pizza behind one of their ears (a good two hours after lunch), and being treated like a constant jungle gym... My baby fever is stronger than ever. Their mother asked me if it was good birth control and it was quite the opposite. I loved every minute of it, I never thought of myself as motherly but after yesterday I can't stop thinking about the love a parent must feel from a child. While we were swimming one of the middle girls told me "This was the best day, you're my best friend ever" it melted my heart! I just cant wait to have my own... but I will be having to... Thanks for nothing Cody Dean!

After that eventful day (8 hours of it...) The bar that I worked at before Cody let me be a stay at home doggy mom (My cousin's bar) called and guilt-tripped me into working... I used to LOVE bar life... LOVE it... but now after working from 10pm-2am and being there until 3:30am... I realized... the idiot drunks that once made for good entertainment, now only confuse me, make me nervous, and work my nerves. If you cant make it to the zoo this summer because of the heat, just head behind the bar at 1:45am sober... I think God knew I was struggling with not working, so he presented me with this opportunity of work again to remind me of how much I don't belong in that kind of atmosphere anymore...  I don't know if it is like this for everyone else but with age I become more and more worrisome and nervous about everything... 

Maybe it is the realization of consequences, and thinking about things more thoroughly. As a child/teenager I was careless and just looking for fun, and now getting older I am a nervous damn wreck all the time! I think it was good that my first babysitting experience was not until I was 23... Maybe if it were before then I would realize how much I liked caring for babies... and that couldn't have turned out well...

Well... Until next time...

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My First Blog.... Here goes nothing...

So this is my first blog...

I wanted something to fill my time at night because Cody is an early bird, and I am a night owl... I can never get to sleep at a decent hour... Ive always fought sleep, I think my mind just runs wild when I finally settle down at night... I guess I will never be the one to get the worm!

I also felt that this would be a great way to document the ups and downs of our first year of marriage! Hopefully its mostly ups, but adjusting to married life has not been the easiest thing for me so far. Cody wants me to focus on school and getting to the grand day of graduation! It seems so far away but next May I will be a college grad! AT LAST!

In the mean time I am jobless and semi-bored, by choice I guess... Not having my "own" money, and solely relying on another person just hasn't settled with me yet... its taking some getting used to, but I feel like I am almost there. So many people have said, "I would love to not work!" but its not all its cracked up to be! Trust me!

Aside from being bored, I love to write, always have! One of the reasons I am super excited about this blog... that and because I get to talk about Myself!! Cody thinks this blog is silly and "doesnt want his name being thrown around with all of our business..." Ha, he is such a little old man. Cody is an old soul. He is super traditional, and that is one of many reasons I love him. He doesn't let anyone compromise his beliefs, AND he puts up with my crazy ass... can I say ass on my blog?

I'm almost at a loss for words right now... nothing to exciting happened today... So I don't feel like I have anything to write about...

My Day consisted of....
Waking up...
Letting the dogs out (We are babysitting Cody's parents house and dogs)
Going to Clase de Espanol!
Going to get a steroid shot... right in the hiney... (Sinus Infection.... bleh!)
These were some of the shoes I saw in the doctors office, probably because I am the only patient in that office that is under 60... I do not tell lies!

Coming back home...
Working on the Tech stool ... (A little side Bizzzz... I can paint anything on a stool if anyone is interested!)

Then going to eat at Boorays with two of my favs... Mal and Cody!

Now I am just working on this... I want it to be fun for me, and fun for others to read... any blogger's suggestions out there!? Fill me in!

Until Next Time!