Mr. and Mrs.

Mr. and Mrs.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

It's August? You Sure?

Wow! This summer has flown by! I feel like I just finished last semester, and here I am almost done with the second part of summer school! Im finally getting my last two foreign language credits out of the way! Por Dios! (For Heaven's Sake... thanks clase de espanol!) It really bugs me that in spanish there is not really uppercase letters for anything except beginning sentences, but they also capitolize the use of the word God, which makes me happy, which cancels out me getting mad about the other!

So right now we are in the middle of getting new floors put in, which I am super pumped about...
The downside is we sold all of our living room furniture without getting new yet, so im thinking we are going to have to invest in some bean bags for a little bit! Hopefully we find some furniture we can both agree on soon! Or else it camp city in the living room for a while! The floors are looking really nice, I'm loving the way it makes the room look already!

I've been on Pinterest a lot lately... it has taken over my body, and gives me way too many ideas. So much it can't be healthy. So I've been on a project rampage! I love projects... Cody Dean does not love my projects. Well guess what buddy?... you married me! you are stuck with me and all my hot glue, paint, glitter, scissors, ribbon, and whatever else I can get my glue sticky hands on! I just finished this cute sign I made for an anniversary party... its western themed...

What do you think peeps?? Well I guess I should go help with the floor, I hear my dad and Cody saying odd things in there... I will try to get better at updating, so much is going on!

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